Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I'm such an idiot ... for wasting my time the whole semester and not studying ... i think it's only by God and my lecturers' grace that i passed all subjects and not forward any ... What the hell was i thinking all along ... GPA 2 ?!?!@#$#%^%&^* i can go die la ... i think i can't get into food but polymer ... that will be so sad ... all along i knew that i wanna get in this course but once i'm in i didnt study ... ass la ...









Semester GPA:
Cumulative GPA:



Very Good
75 to < 80

70 to < 75

Good Credit
65 to < 70

60 to < 65

Good Pass
55 to < 60

50 to < 55

Subsidiary Pass

Non-Graded Pass



Pass in a Module which has no grade point

Fail in a Module which has no grade point


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going.
After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him.

It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.
Guessing the reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited.

The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone.

Then he sat back in his chair, still silent.

The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead.

Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The Pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire.
Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.

As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, "Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I shall be back in church next Sunday."

We live in a world today, which tries to say too much with too little. Consequently, few listen.
Sometimes the best "sermons" are the ones left unspoken.

--Author Unknown

Sunday, March 19, 2006


just got back from church. my ideal age of marriage, 30. haha my average shitting time including wiping of ass 60secs.


anw ytd had a match in de morning .. pjc ... at pjc ... pjc is a nice sch but a bit far ... anw ... their team not bad ... but all small sized ... their tactics is kick n chase ... force us to kick n chase ... but their average speed not bad la ... but our team specs are extremes de ... big guys are VERY STRONG ... small size are VERY FAST ... aha ... anw we won pj i tink 40+ to 20+ ... i played full game ... kena screwed by cap ... i ran sideways when pressured .. but was actually looking for gap ... half way thru he asked my go out of the game ... haiz ... anw whole team also not happy with him ... cos he keeps on pinpointing me ... sorry is ONLY PIN POINT ME ... cos i noob ma ... as me dont walk but he walks all de way ... tt's y my teammates all not happy with him ... btw i supported in alot of rucks . ... my forwards all walking lor!!

anw .. last game for the semester ... was for the preparation m'sia trip tt they are gg ... but was a gd exposure for me ... tho alot of injuries ... SHOULDER, BACK AND BUTT!! @.@

watched date movie, big momma hse 2 and rumor has it le ... now gonna watch rugby games and slp ... raining ... shiok ...

btw ytd kah shiung bdae... happy 20th bdae!! hahaha was realli fun to hang out with my sec sch mates!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

NY ruggers---> LOSERS

YAY!! todae i woke up at 10.30!!!!!!!! for the past two weeks i haven been getting enough sleep as in 4hrs daily only ... haha ... i have been waking up DAMN TIRING becos of training and stuffs ...

ytd was really a tiring dae ... after not having enough slp for the past few weeks, ytd had a match with nyjc and srjc supposely but i guess srjc chicken out ... so we played with ny only ... we won them .. kinda trashing 4 tries to 0 ... HAHA ... one guy actually have his ankle dislocated ... his feet was totally dislocated sia!! DAMN DISGUSTING .. den coach(referee) was like stunned ... standing dere doing nth .. useless old man la he ... he dont coach our team and we can get so gd results in s'pore rugby arena ... hahah ...

so in the end srjc nv came ... AMBULANCE CAME instead so its all srjc fault ... haha ... anw is nyjc guy jumpin to catch de ball den when he landing his fren pushed him! HAHA ... actually poor thing la ... but ny ruggers are bastard keep taunting us poly ppl ... wth .. sae we all stupid and all .. wth ... F bastards la ... orbe la ankle dislocated ... NY RUGGERS ARE GAYS .. ALL FORWARDS WEAR SCRUM CAPS ... SP NO ONE WEARS!!!

this is my 2nd debut ... my 2nd game ... the first game i played for 2 halves!! full game ... super shag ... oh ya their scrum simply sucks ... always makes us collasped ... AND THEIR FEILD SUCKS!!! i sprained my back and ankle on the first half ... y?? LOUSY FIELD and i was doing decking(stacking on players to support)... ny ruggers are jus losers la ... oh coach called of the game(extra half) becos of the taunting in the match ... hahah ... i guy called porky stepped on one of the ruggers head in de scrum ... HAHAHA cos they wear scrum caps so not pain so we started to step ... BTW its legal ... lol ...

pls la ... NY ruggers for goodness sake ... dont act pro ... wear scrum cap and everything ... go and study la ... wanna act rugger ... sp ruggers will be u down ... !!! i'm not trying to boast or anything ... but they are realli bastard la ... saying those stuffs ...

joke of the dae ... we were attacking ... the whole line ... 15 of us ... den a joker from ny said "ALL MINE" ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ... we were like wth ... in the end he didnt bring anyone of us down ...

after the match i went to bbhq to do my application of the presidents badge ... finally ... the whole week was jus doin tt lor ... TIRING ... finally all done ...

den evening time went for the POC(combined Primers Orientation Camp) meeting ... finish only at 10.30 ... wa stress prog ic alot to do ... by sun i have to get the camp prog out ... skeleton ...

hmmm ... i now feel like was movie ALONE ... nv tried b4 ... gonna buy aLOT OF CHIPS AND DRINKS ALL IN MY ADIDAS BIG BAG ... NICE!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA

Monday, March 13, 2006

wad a dae

hahaha now i realised tt my blog very TIRED sia. most or almost all talks bout me being very tired.

i now super duper duper tired sia. last night at 9pm went back to ytss to settle my application for Presidents Badge. and only manage to finish at 4am!!! and we climbed out of the school gate. actually me only the rest climbed over a low wall ... lol .. anyway i felt tt the new campus looks cool ... but i no longer have the sense of belonging ... like in the past at the old campus i tink i can close my eyes and walk one round ard de close blindfolded ... lol

ya like i said. 4am went back. bathe den KO. den 9am in sct training so i slpt onli for 2.5hrs. den trained from 9am till 1.30pm. sick ... todae training damn ttiring maybe becos i realli tired ... i'll be playing loosehead prop ... shiong. my back n neck gonna die ... todae trainin suucks cos i got scratches and bruises all over .. bleeding and blue black .. alot sia .. esp at my thgh n arms ...

after tt i went back to ytss ... to find miss goh asking her to help me write the referee report ...

den go home. now i have to do SP Primers stuffs. tired .. actually later ... now gg to meet ps su to sign our primers file for the award. gg over his plc

Friday, March 10, 2006

TIREDNESS overwhelms

jus finish training ... or should i sae jus got back from training ... veri tired ... ytd had sp primers meeting talking bout the companies of np n sp ... there will be a combined freshmen orientation camp with sp n np. sp being the host. i was appointed as prog ic ... stress

anw ... gg back to my sec sch ... todae got hike at 12 midnight starting from a christian cemetry ... FUN!!! yay .. hike until next dae evening ... tired ... last nigth came back at 1am ... 9 am in sp training .. now jus got back den gg off till tml .. TIRED!!!!

nth to blog le .. or too tired to blog ...

cant wait for next week game with nyjc n srjc

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


i'm like so damn sian. 2nd dae of holi. holi are good times to relax and do nth, but sometimes doing nth can be real boring lor.

todae damn on again played billiard at bryan's plc again. a great place to play free billiard. wahahaha. i helping him to fully utilise his monthly fees for the facilities. lol. after tt went swimming with lincoln. my arms n nehneh still very aching from ytd's training. triceps weak.

den went home to slack. do some stuffs. watched i robot AGAIN. dl songs. hahaha got chinese songs at last. 33 songs. lol send thru msn till siao. thanks jas!

wa. tml die. tiring dae. morning trainin at 9 am, after tt gg to celebrate bryan's bdae in advance. =D

sore arms from ytd. training tml. SO fun. haha

i wanna watch tv den slp. good nite
worried bout my results hope wont fail any. pass all go polymer also gd lor

Monday, March 06, 2006

Rugby. A passion.

Wow. Starting todae holiday starts, fun will then begin too!!
From todae onwards for this holi, will be having rugby training AND gym on 4 daes a week. Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. weehee sounds so fun =) haven been having training for quite sometime becos of the screwed up exam which i screwed up. lol. 4 times a week training is seriously tiring man.
todae, i wore my canterbury boots for the very first time!!! damn comfortable but got a few blisters after tt. damn tiring training todae maybe becos we didnt have training for quite sometime and we had field training straight after gym at 11am!! under de hot sun till 12.45. coach was sick la. made us do drill non-stop despite this being our 1st training after so long.
next wed. got rugby game. SP, NYJC, SRJC. at NYJC field. sp can nv hold a game, the field's too pathetic. the sch is pathetic. SP= Shit Poly = Stupid Place = Shit Pie?? lol
oh ya. i just finish dl-in my rugby game. EA Sport Rugby 2006. yay!!! =))))))))) yups i AM gonna play now.