Monday, March 06, 2006

Rugby. A passion.

Wow. Starting todae holiday starts, fun will then begin too!!
From todae onwards for this holi, will be having rugby training AND gym on 4 daes a week. Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. weehee sounds so fun =) haven been having training for quite sometime becos of the screwed up exam which i screwed up. lol. 4 times a week training is seriously tiring man.
todae, i wore my canterbury boots for the very first time!!! damn comfortable but got a few blisters after tt. damn tiring training todae maybe becos we didnt have training for quite sometime and we had field training straight after gym at 11am!! under de hot sun till 12.45. coach was sick la. made us do drill non-stop despite this being our 1st training after so long.
next wed. got rugby game. SP, NYJC, SRJC. at NYJC field. sp can nv hold a game, the field's too pathetic. the sch is pathetic. SP= Shit Poly = Stupid Place = Shit Pie?? lol
oh ya. i just finish dl-in my rugby game. EA Sport Rugby 2006. yay!!! =))))))))) yups i AM gonna play now.


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