Sunday, April 03, 2005


went to church to gather 1st ... at 10pm friday ... i obviously cut my hair real short le ... but winston insist its not den ask summone to cut my hair!! in toilet!! wth cut le still ask me cut more ... wa bullshit la ... sae i primer muz follow boys rule=short hair which i got but they want shorter!! wen i'm alr out of sch .. pls la i haven go ns la shit!

wa!! realli unhappy with this years plannin committee la ... almost all teams got disqualified ... onli one or two teams ...

this year AQ was flagged off at 6.30am by Major General (three star leh!! siao siao) haha retired looks veri old .. hahah hair all white de ... the way he tok oso sound like we in ns lidat de ... lol ... anw at 6.30 i was veri tired ... cos nv sleep in church ma .. dunno y jus couldnt sleep ... haiz ... den i join aq with a sprain leg ... not bad rite i endured all the way ... actually i dunno wad happen to my leg ... wenever i try to move my left feet always like got a crankin sound ... VERI PAIN ... realli can hear de rubbery sound de ... n DAMN PAIN lor ...

wen de race started, started to rain too ... tts wad i prayed hard tt i don wanna have .. rain=water=wet shoes=wet socks=soggy feet=more pain!!! ah ... den ... at ntu(startin point) everybody started to run .. at different directions ... ntu was like so big ... we didnt know which exit to go to ... it was said de west one but which one is the west one??? lol ...

after tt wen on to the army area ... shity gravel road ... haha ... wahahah ... after walkin for abt one hour .. we suddenly got a urge to take a piss ... den we turned to our left n face de reservoir pulled down our pants n ... luckily the rest of the participants were in front ... lol ... after tt we saw sth movin .. haha an ant eater!!!!! wa 1st time in my life seein an ant eater!!!! in s'pore? quite big summore!! :P ... hmmm ... ant-eater onli eat ants? den the ants so small how they eat until so big sizze??? irony ...

den we were supposed to climb stupid hills ... so long ... veri tirin ... quite steep .. esp de last one ... crazy la ... summore we climbed an extra one cos there was a officer tt who was standin at the hill tellin us to be careful on our way down(tt place full of hills) so we tot tt was the 1st one ... haiz .. officers cheat our feelings ...

after tt did SOC like climbin over the low wall .. then went on to the 7 storey rappellin tower ... but we did 5 storey onli .. heard from mr chim is the PTI says so de .. dunno y oso ... after tt ..

we cycle for so long ... veri long ... veri long ... on gravel road tt is used for heavy military vehicle like tanks n 5 tonners ... imagine .. lol ... us cycling n i bet u understand the feelings of our butt cycling for hours imagine hours on gravel road ... bumpy one ... disfigured butt la ... den after tt we had to cycle on mudy road ... walao .. hahHA ... totally mudy .. dirty my precious camelbak!!! n my new adidas shorts .. lol ...

after tt ... went archery ... manage to complete the task in seven arrows out of eight ... den we had to cycle in a cycling trail in sungei buloh ... mudy n hilly like shit .. ranked difficult by the ministry ... wa ... hard like hell lor .. cycle more than a hour in there ... so mudy .... all thanks to the rain ... n worse of all it was hilly place ... we came out after hours of cyclin ... and ended up at chestnut drive ... it was there wen one of our team mates couldnt take it ... so we opened the SOP pack ... we were actually behind the last check point ... ah ... but nvm ... simply hate the plannin com ... shit ...

after tt we sat at a tunnel awaitin for hq staff to picck us up ... we slpt at the presdestrsian with out bikes on the road side n all the cars tt past the tunnel was like starin at us ... hahah "y would 4 boys be under a tunel slpin??" whahahah ... wen the safety vehicle came they were like "go to the next cp ... wth ... we poen the SOP for wad ... crazy la ... so we waited ard 1 hr b4 WTWW came wit the van n pick us up ..hahah we had to fight for space in the small van!!! 4 bikes n 4 person behind ... lol ... n we all stink!! cant breathe!!! :P

after returnin the bike ... we went to yishun with BC n Chim n WTWW ... Chim kindly treated us breakfast/lunch/dinner ... wahahah proper meal!!! energy bars sucks la! eat how many oso not full de!!!

i feel that AQ ... hmm ... learn a few things from this race ... despite difficulties tt u face u should jus bite on ya teeth n carry on ... my leg was like so pain for the startin of the race ... but i did carry on ... see ... another thing we muz know is our other team mates physical endurance ... for example ... we shouldnt jus carry on with the race wen ya team mate cant take it ma ... safety of ya team mayes oso impt ma ... :P

i had fun in AQ
but still unhappy with the management for havin such tight cut-off timings ... such tt onli a few teams make it ... A FEW!!!

btw hahah ... like hui shan said ... we go Q like YEP reunion la ... b4 the race we were like ... chattin .. lol ... saw wee leng, daniel, albert ... oso ben n shan ... hahah ... shan was like the onli gal in BB blue polo tee!!! durin the start of the race she was like always ahead of my team :P

SHAN!! GOOD JOB!!! :))) u shown much enthu n endurance *salute!!! hahah ...

to my team mates:
gabriel---> thanks for ya nv failing topo navigation! had total trust in ya@!
samuel---> thanks for ya nv cheerin! it bought us much motivations!
wei yong---> hope this year AQ will let ya exp wads AQ all abt ... the difficulty involves ... not as easy rite?? hee ... anw! u did great!! thanks for puttin in ya 110%!!!!!


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