Wednesday, March 23, 2005

tues----> Meeting dae

wahahah ... such a funni dae ... went to gym wit willie ... he joker la ask me follow go gym tt we can train together cos he feels tt he hasnt been trainin for quite some time ... n within 4 weeks he wants to see a differences ... lol ... n he wants me to be his partner ... okie ...

we did bench press ... 30kgs to start off ... den 40 ... den 45 ... haha i was gg fine n getting ready for more ... den he KO le ... nvm ... wen i 1st started gg gym wit him he was much better than me de ... i tink soon he's gg to be better than me la ... i so weak ... so fat ... lol XP ... ooopsie ...

den i saw joshua in de gym a small little boy in gym? lol he was like playin wit de machine ... luckily i act blur dunno him den de gym leader was like teachin him how too use de simply machine ... lol not to be mean la but know wad u doin b4 u use n stop creatin ya own method ... lol

after tt i saw tahir! my ex gym goer fren ... he pro la ... got VERIVERI BIG chest(breast) lol ... den he was de pro tt came in ... helped him sport a little b4 i went back to help willie ... walao tahir was like askin me to help him sport like 40 kg straight witout warm up ... hahah ... hmmm tink my next gym oppenent?? lol

okie after gym willie asked me to accompany him to mac to study ... i agreedupon tt cos he was kind enuff to lend me his CPT notes ... n i mus sae its pretty easy ... :P so i not realli MUGGING ... jus READIN stuffs ... lol ...

after acc him to study for an hour i went to meet up wit mark n gang for dinner b4 gg to church for the briefin tis fri ...

den de saga of meetin ppl begins ... wen i first reachd yishun ... i saw pam waitin ... den as i walked towards her den i saw my frens ... gina yuheng terence xu zhen albert n some other ... celebratin GINA's bdae ...

den i turned back n saw darius ... before i could sae good bye to my frens ... i saw chang da from 62nd coy ... lol ... hahah ...

okie den i went to de station toilet ... before i stepped in i saw AQUA Tenn .. lol his HP batt flat den i lend him my extra batt ... lol ...

wahahah met wit so many frens todae ... how small is yishun lol ... den i finally got to yccl n had a briefin for tis fri event ... its gg to be veriveriveri fun ... all should come n bring ya frens ...!!! but i cant be wild n runnin ard tis fri ... i got CAQ at ten rite after the church event .. startin from church ... (COMPANY ADVENTURE QUEST) wish me luck n mental endurance ... 12 mid start till de nx afternoon .. CAQ onli 35km!!!!!!!!!!



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