Friday, March 18, 2005

went to get planetshakers tickets ... haha manda owes shaun n i lunch ah ... u agreed upon tt n u're 20mins late ... walao manda 24/7 mugger de la once a mugger always a mugger la ... on train oso can do hmwk ... haha hmwk like nv endin de ah ... hmmm i wonder is tt so :P??? lol no need to do de la o level will definitely pass wit gd grades de la ... haha ... hmmm i don rmb my time do such things ... i rmb playing, shakin of vendin mach .... playin of fire extinguishers n hitting down of toilets signs ... :P
i'm a good boy
haha n shaun was studyin physics ... rmb disturbin ms low in class last yeaar ... in the end still gt a1 for sci ... we took mrt all the way to parsi ris ... wa long journey ... i slp all de way cos mornin aft i gt back from work i onli slpt 2hrs ... KO!! haha n they all so shut up readin n doin hmwk ... long n borin journey tt's y i slpt ... wen we gt there we were afraid tt the tix would be sold out as all the shops tt r sellin their tix have all sold out tts y we went to downtown east to get the tix ... luckily we gt the tix ... haha wen for lunch at mac ... haha the ppl dere are all sicko ... lol i quein up den in front of me was a gal(quite pretty) orderin den de guy behind de xounter was like staring at her wit de look(wahahah) n wen she gt her food he said(pls come back agn) wahahah ... den wen comes my turn he was still lookin at de guy n nt takin my orders .. wth ... hahah ...
after tt shaun went for trainin n was late for abt 1hr ... haha tt means he have to pick up BALLS aft trainin lol ... den manda wwent back home to MUG ... BIG MUGGER la she ... den i went home to get sth ... at nite ... i went to aikido ... wit alex ... todae did nth much ... jus doin the catch n rolling n throwin ppl while in kneein postion ... but i love doin the rolls ... haha i noe how to roll le forward n backwards both on mats n norm floor .. :P
fri ...
early in the mornin went for archery ... so long nv shoot le .. startin was pretty bad .. shot out of the bulls eye region ... after shootin two rounds of 3 ... i manage to get back my form ... shot 10 9 7 ... wasnt tt goog yet ... den i gt 10x 10 9 ... nt bad rite ... btw 10x is the bullseye ... gt three bulleye todae ... ooops killed two bulls ... lol ...
rea;;i tired todae ... winston send me home wit his WRX agn .. thx!
off for planetshakers concert!!!!!! cant wait for it ...


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