Sunday, March 27, 2005

CAQ!! KILLER@@@!!!!

Company Adventure Quest ... it started off at 10pm straight after the church gatherin .. n was luckily held in church :P hmmm wasnt much reaalli prepared for it .. jus did some runnin here n dere b4 de event in preparation fot the BOYS' BRIGADE Adventure Quest ...

okie .. at 10pm we had a briefing ... den had my dinner at 10 lol ... hmmm ... i went to got my dinner at de coffeeshop behind church ... wen we come back wit our dinner were we caught lor cos i climbed over de fench ... poor thing rite ... hahah ... after we were given the MGR(map grid reference) plotted our map den all of us slpt in luther hall ...

ard 3am we were woken up(jus like in BBAQ) ... brief abt safety ... btw tis year i joinin the open team ... tt means we have to complete the 75km n all the events like archery rockwall bladin cyclin swimmin n more ... but wit the rest of the open teams! mind u open teams consist of all de old bird!!!! we r onli primers competin wit officers? not fair! lol ...

okie den we were drived to lim chu kang ... to familarised wit the area so tt on BBAQ we can noe where r we gg ... we were dropped at sum where in lck ... haha it was de exact same plc i had my expedition in ssec 1!!!! durin tt 40km expedition i died completely ...

we started our hike at 4.45 ... walked from lck to yew tee to bukit timak ... den at there we walked on the cyclin trail ... den was kena scolded by the cyclist cos its a CYCLIN TRail .. so imgine how diffcult was e trail on foots ... anw we endured and made it ... but we didnt turn n change our trail so we had to covered extra distance to get back on track which covered abt 10 extra km!

den we walked from dere to singapore island country club ... haha saw so many nic ars but not our safety veh(car) lol .. so we jokinly sae its our veh .. lol ... den after tt we finally gt our of the trail into urban area!! all de cars! no more irriatatin buggers ... den we were at upper thomson ... den we went to marymount road ... where it started to rain ... den our safety veh came after callin them on hp as the walkie takie coulldnt reach them as the range was onli 2km ... lousy ... den we were told tt the boys r onli at the cyclin trail ... tt means more than 2 hrs behind us ... :P fast rite we?? lol ??? all the while we were told tt a boys teams is ahead of us ... tt forced us to chiong all de way ... after the race were we onli told tt they're at BISHAN N WE COMPLETED DE RACE!!


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