Wednesday, March 23, 2005


promised sarah tt i'll be supporting her for her bowling comp ... n i did k see i so steady kk :P ... went down to marina to see her game ... walao so far disrupt me beauty sleep XP

walao sbs sucks man wad a big liar bus coy ... hahah ... i reached de bus stop at 1158am den i saw de bus bein lazy to run i didnt lor ... den i saw de sign showin the ETA of the buses ... n its written 1108 1208 1308 ... wth ... n de bus left at like 1158 ... bull shit la de timing ... cheat my feelings ... hahah ... wa den wait for de bus dere like hell long .. den tinkin tt marina was a veri quiet n peaceful place to chill out but was totally wrong lor ... my peace n serenity dere was like totally disturb by loyang sec peeps la ... all the small little kids la ... so freakin noisy ... feel like givin them all a hard punch den they'll go runnin home wit a broken nose cryin to their mama ... lol ... but they really so NOISY LOR!!! ...

okie all of them were realli noisy ... cant stand them lor ... so i saw a bowling alley tt saes superbowl le so i quickly got down le ... realli cant stand them ... so i quickly got off the bus rite? den got off de wrong one haiyo ... luckily victor(comp plc) onli de nx buildin downs ... hahah i actually asked one of the staff from de dereserted bowl where's their rival is .. lol ...

wen i got to victors bowl .. walao my ears wanna burst man!!! so freakin noisy all de gals sharpp high pitch screams .. wa kao ... made a discovery todae ..

rgs ...
de silent killers excel under silence

mgs ...
ppl love to scream for nth ... even if cleanin long go

ij peeps ...
all de disgusting bungs ...(oh man yt gt nicer ones lor which i still hate)

hahaha ... on de train ... saw one angmor(guy) wearin rgs singlet eeeu ... big chest man! like two (oops) he's actually sarah's chem teacher? lol so gay lor wearin a tight rgs singlet ... lol big arms he gt btw .. lol ... hahah den she showed my her arms ... wow gt muscle ah lol ... (undeveloped ones???) hee kiddin ah XP ooops ...

den in front of us got tis freakin digusting guy man! he was like scratchin his back ... so engross into scratchin .. walao free shoe lor ... can see his white undies expossin lor ... eeeu ... uncles nowadaes :P sarah muz have enjoyed herself watchin rite ...

not the other way round ...
hmmm wad if u have three balls?? wahahaha ...

den went to church ... todae me n shaun lead worship todae ... wit de singers ... haha tech failin on us ... had my verse ready to sae b4 de worship .. stored into my bible(HP) den so happened .. BATTERY FLAT >>> GG LOR!! lol ... so had to impromtu tink of sth lor ... blahblahblah things out ... haha someone was kena scold by dennis for always bein late for duty n prac n always disturbin ppl playin ad ... haizyo grow up la ... sec 4 leh .. summore gal ... image la .. :P

after tt had bible study ...
its man who cause de down fall ... god gave us free will to choose ... who choose to sin agn god? is we... men .. haiz ...

anw SARAh ... good game todae ........ good luck net mon n fri!
okie tis fri all muz come for the gatherin ... 7pm SHARP in luther hall!!! having a great game so invite all ya frens kk :P

btw YTSS=MUGGERS(crazy ones) imagine all lessons 1hr .. not realli la .. last two periods 1hr 20min each!!! upper sec students 1st recess lower sec 2nd recess bullshit la ... mad principal ... mad students .. :P


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