Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Thank God for all the things He have given me in life ... this is clearly shown in my results ...

okie last year i was veri uncertain of myself abt makin it in o's ... last year ... no matter how hard i tried in my exams i'm always getting straight F9s ... so was veri much discourage ... nevertheless i push myself on n tried my best stayin uo late at nite in school studying was a passe for our class ... haha not plainly jus muggin tt is ... (disturbin of librian,shakin of vendin mach,playin of fire extinguisher,hittin down toilet signs from sch n i'm still keepin haha n alot more other) i really miss all this man esp doin it with my frens ... haha kena influence la .. lol ...

for de past few months i've been pretty much worried for my results ... was i able to enter to a poly? a course tt i wan to go? my desired one? or am i determined to enter to a ite? jus like wad my fate have choosen?

all tis was answered ytd ...

principal started of by sayin we did pretty well n was proud of us ... this year our batch broke de record of last years'(btw they were 1st in s'pore for NA!!!) ... hmmm and tt means we'll be 1st again? i dunno but one thing tt was for sure is tt we helped de sch acheive de sustained value-added award!! given for sch whom have sustained their good results for three years ... wa seh! see de power of NA students don playplay kk ... lol ... express did nt bad too ... haha btw our class's results beat 4e4 so u shouldnt see small of us NA students kk cos we can win express peeps too!!


my turn to collect results ... did expect much was expectin to fail cos my name was not specially mention (for NT students) rehan had n he was onli 25 points ... so tts means i gt worse than him n cant enter a poly?? oh man!!

ok went i went to de booth ... mr tan said not bad ... my grades are as follow ...

sub grades (actual) (target) (was gettin)
EL B4 B4 F9
CH C6 C6 F9
Math B3 B3 F9
SCI A1 A1 B4
POA A1 A1 B4

L1R4 15 15 35??

WOW!! improve rite?? n hit all my targets rite ... realli thank all de teachers man ... i was super duper happy man n still is ... wa dunno wad to sae ... opened to all polyy courses! no more worries of ite le .. wa i'm de happiest ma on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see ...

how can a EM3 student get into a poly?
how can a NT student pass o's?
i did it man! so happy ...
study hard ya ... lol ...

well my hard work have been paid off ... stayin up late at nite in sch ... doin all de papers ... havin sleepless nites!!

now i think i can safely get into my desired course ... CHEMICAL PROCESS TECH ... still wonderin wad are de rest of my choices ... well i wanna congrats to all !! hope u guys get into ya desired course!!!!


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