Monday, March 07, 2005

sec 3 camp

Hmmm … was invited to help out in the sec 3 camp a week ago … was asked to help out in the kayaking … so I agreed to …

I was so stupid to agreed to lor … I tot was onli 2 day thingie … well … I went there from fri to sat only n wasn’t planning to stay de but I did becos sth happened …

On Friday we went to camp around 2pm … when we reached campsite had a briefing to the campers on whats gg next tt was all de adventure elements … rock climbing abseiling high n low elements … aiya all de fun stuffs la …

Hahah okie fri we started kayaking at 3pm with mr soh n another new teacher who was a commando … aiya sae is sae commando but a very useless n ball less one la … got prob 1st to run …

Okay wad we did as instructor was to form de boundary for student to kayakin in n to teach them how to kayaki esp in their direction keeping in mind they are all 1st timers … ok some of them was okie or pretty much good as almost all was 1st timer n tt they can still kayak properly … so we were around on our one man kayakin kayakin around n help to chase the lost sheeps back to the flock.. lol … hmmm I was the last man so I’ll be lookin for de last kayak n help them …
First lesson was alright .. was pretty tired cos last nite had aikido n body was all aching the only thing that I was happy was tt we had the chance to kayak without anybody’s guidance which means that we can kayak anywhere during our free time … haha so we were the first few to kayak all the way to the kelong … hahah btw there was many dogs on the kelong itself … haha I wonder .. dogs can swim … will they jump off the kelong to us ? hahah or in the water? Haha so funni .. btw I took my paddle to poke the doggy … lol … not so hard la anw I not a sadist lor .. hahaha … den came the second group n sherie was in .. haha trouble maker(kiddin la) … I was already tired by den from the 2hrs of kayaking b4 they came … so as wad I was suppose to do n stay behind waitin for the rest .. it was around 6pm when we experience the 3 hours current … wa the current turn strong suddenly … most of the students were drifted near to de shore … as most of them are all 1st timer we couldn’t help thm much as most of them weren’t paddling effectively … the rate we were drifted away was crazy man …

imagine u’re near de shore n every 10sec u r drifting more than 5m? or more … this was why the students took 30 minutes to get on shore even tho they were like 50m away … ok .. so I patrol around looking for students …

it was den I saw I kayak about 100m away from me n 150m away from campsite barely visual contact with the campsite .. so I quickly kayak over .. as I kayak over I saw that it was sherie(my junior) n sudheesh sis tt was dere … den dey were struck at the mangrove swamp and they couldn’t kayak at all as the kayak was being forcefully push to the shore … by then all the kayakers were already on shore already … keeping their kayak as it was gg to be dark le .. sherie n tt gal was panicking … n tired to kayak o I kept encourage them to keep kayakin or else they will be drifted even further away .. n wads worse was they cant get off their kayak n re launch as we were at the mangrove swamp n de ground wasn’t solid enough to step on or else yr legs will sink in dere …

I know tt they’re in trouble so I quickly blow the emergency whistle to get attention as I felt that they weren’t in a state to kayak back .. I wanted to kayak back first but they were pretty scare n so I stayed n called for help … den mr soh came … he access the situation and also felt tt they cant paddle back so he asked us to climb to de highest possible place n pull our kayak all the way back as de waves r cumin closer…

So he kayak back in the dark to seek help .. by then already 7 or 8 plus … I was hungry n tired … but had to cheer de gals on n encourage them … they were afraird tt they wouldn’t survive … mr soh went for more than 30mins we felt sth was gg wrong as he was gg back to look for the power boat but it didn’t came .. so the gals got even worried .. so I just talk to them casually …

We’re all cold and hungry … I was feeing ok n calm then … but the gals was worried … aiya s’pore wont die de la … onli stuck on a island wit no ppl on it ma … de most In de dark … den we saw boats … so I whistle for them .. but all stopped for a while n went off … den mr soh came back with mr tan .. we were happy tt they came but was shock wen they asked us “where’s mr low?” we said we don’t know as we didn’t see him .. den we were all worried … so we were planning how to get back … we decided to pull de kayak back wit sherie on it … walkin on de swamp .. so tired .. my sandal keep struckin dere …

As we were wantin to go off .. mr low appeared from the other side … but didn’t see us n heard my whistle. .. funni … after tt he took the gal back while me mr soh mr tan pull sherie back … wit 5 kayaks back … walk away tho my leg gt stuck wen we were walkin for quite some time … so the teacher called me to get on the kayak addin more weight as they pull us back .. but then halfway thru I kayak back as they were already tired …

So I kayakin abt 1km back.. Alone.. In the dark.. First time man … was pretty scare .. den I started to hear voices wen there was nobody .. I prayed .. it went off … I quickly kayak back despite my with my fatigue body … shag .. bypass many plc but still couldn’t spot our camp site … 20 mins later den I found the campsite wit all the leaders waitin for us .. I was so gladed tt everyone was save .. thank god …

The next dae nothing much happened was tired .. kayaking in the morning .. stared at 8am … all the way to 6pm … n ytd 3 pm to 10pm .. KO!! Den went back after the campfire … mdm tan send me home .. so tired ..

Sherie no need to keep thankin me .. haha


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