Tuesday, February 22, 2005


wee!!!!!!! i'm finally learnin AIKIDO!!! Watashi AIKIDO San!! Hai!!

learnin aikido on mondays 8.00pm to 9.30pm at SPANS where the HQ is ... wow ... incredible man aikido ... okie ... we went dere to register ... got our gi ... we bought the thick one(pretty ex) n dere was thin one(wore by mainly girls?) n de ADIDAS one ... lol ADIDAS AIKIDO GI!!!

had my veri first lesson ... as my class is a mix class ... so i get to see n if possible learn some intermidate moves on top of my beginner moves tt is learn on the go ... veri veri fun seh ... wa de movements are so gracious n cool ... get to slam ppl ... todae learn a few things ... Dojo Etiquette ... Aikido is a very discipline form of martial art ... where high respect is bein observed ... for example ...

upon enterin u r to make a knee bow to de o'sensei("Great Teacher", Founder of Aikido - The Late Morihei Ueshiba) n b4 de lesson starts de instructor will be in front followed by de row of helper den de row of students kneelin down facin o'sensei and everyone will sae onegaeshimasu(Translated as 'please teach/guide' in the context where it is said at the beginning of a class or practice session.) nice rite>?

den wen lesson start de juniors will be on de left den all de senior on de right ... a movement will be then taught den we'll jus knee there watchin den wen demo is shown we tap on a senior n prac wit ... they veri nice n teach us de steps slowly explainin to us ... de funni thing is tt wen i was partnered wit a gal much smaller size de den i we were suppose to slam each other lor so funni ... lol but de senior was good lor ... hahaha she could throw me kneein down lor ... wahhaa so funni don praypray ah .. btw my dojo's veri nice man! de mat so soft ... den de design veri nice wit wooden swords by de side .. and all de wooden slide door to keep our stuffs ... nice ... but wad i like de most was to arm lock de person de den pinnin him down to de floor n if he trys to get up end tts the end of his hand lor ... hahah

at de end of de lesson, we get into de formation again this time saein domo arigato gozaimashita(Thank you very much, said at the end of the class.) den de sensei will like pray to o'sensei lidat ... respecful seh .. hmmm ... funni ... hmm all in de kneein postion ... kawaii ... lol ...

after tt sian go to work .. work was tirin ... n sian .. was like thinkin of de moves tt we learn ... well AIKIDO JUST ROCKS!!!


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