Saturday, February 19, 2005

BB Dec Presentation day!!

todaes was our bb dec yep teams presentation ... i was asked to give my sharing again ... my third one ... eveyone was totally different in church ngee ann city one tt was like an interview and todaes ...

i was supposed to write my scipt b4 i get there .. which i didnt ... hahaha ...
reached hq about 10.30 not really late la ... some peeps was alreadi there le ... they were all busy preparin their stuffs .. yvvone bluff me sae didnt prepare ... but when she got there she alreadi have like 4 or 5 pages prepared le lor ... cheat my feelings .. boohoohoo ... so i was seated there stonin ...

thinkin ... of wad to sae ... haiz suddenly remembered all wad we did in cambodia ... lke as if it was just a ytd event ... the shootin stars ... my frens in cambodia ... slpin on de rooftop ... no air con ... two fans .. de food ... de scenry ... de padi fields .. de comstrution site ... paster reaksa n family ... and de ever brutal genocide killings tt took away more than 2 million innocent lifes of the people by the peolple over a stupid revolution ...

i realli miss cambodia alot ... i still don like tis pace of life in s'pore ... is still like the lifestyle in cambodia i miss de ppl ... narath .. the things tt we did ... catapult ... the food we ate ... noh sut ... wow yummy!iss them all so much ..

after the presentation we went ti kim seng plaza to play pool .. haha forget how to play le ... haha lost two games ... who cares had fun playin wit thenm /.. wa suyun odae show power ah ... she cleaared like 4 balls n a black ball in one turn ... simply too power la she ... wahaha ... after tt took a bus from dere ... counted 7 traffic police bikes tt passed us! alot man ... den our bus passed orchard road and we saw the chingay thingie ... how gay ... wahhhahah wa den i watch de tvmobile den it was e closin cermony le ... den i saw it on tv ... i turn my head over and i saw de firework in de bus and hear it .. wow so accurate seh ... how lucky ... lol ...

bad cough ...

i miss cambodia
veri much
alot man


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