Tuesday, November 14, 2006

time to work harder

haiz got back my maths results. 36/50 and its 30% la!!! SHIT i copied a qns wrongly la. 3x + 1 i wrote as 3x + 2!!!!!! stupid la.

alot to do man.

1) popri e-learning,
2) popri tutorial,
3) forest gump,
4) crash,
5) nanotech presentation,
6) QAAS presentation,
7) SPM prac formal report,
8) nanotech formal report,

hahaha damn funny la. terence came all the way to khatib actually to go gym with me, but he settled for a drink and PLAYED PUZZLE FIGHTER and went back home, serangoon!! hahaha.

stupid. whats more, he lost most of the game LOL. lame shit

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