Tuesday, August 23, 2005


hi to all once again. man. the other dae i blogged a v v v v v long entry den i closed de wrong window n wad was worse was wen the IE prompt whether i wanna close ma i jus click YES. such a fool am i.

hmmm. decided to blog abt sch. will been complaining abt sch lately. like how boring the lectures are. the lecturers. the timing of the lectures esp 8am's! but recently like woke up from those ideas le. started to attend class regularly and i hardly pon le. lol. miracle rite? hee. even my classmates felt so. i guess i've worked pretty hard to get into this course. the course tt i've always wanted i cant just waste my 3 years in poly just to pon rite? well the work might be hard.

i jus have to persevere on!! =p

oh ya todae had Materials in Practice presentation. wa i spend few daes looking for info to make my ppt slides. den last night ard midnight cas asked if i had done my slides n i think he wanted me to help him do his slides. it was a group effort but he shouldnt be like relyin on me ma. i mean i like spend so much time lookin fr those info n u convienently asking me to help ya do. anyway he didnt came todae again. think he got zero becos of tt. actually i've pon my presentation twice with cas den we were suppose to present todae ended up onli me present. i realli wanna buck up on my studies le.

i wanna get into industrial chem. get a degree. masters. den work. earn $$$. go missions. sponser missions if i have to ability to. i wanna excel in the industrial chem faculty BUT i know its gonna be HARD HARD WORK! i'll just have to PERSEVERE on !!!!! its my interest after all. i'm aiming for a GPA of 3. or average of Bs in my upcoming sem exam. even tho i dont really like those modules i'm taking now. only a few i like. like Analytical and Physical Chemistry. but having difficulty in tt too cos pon too much. i'm nv ever gonna pon!!!

kk i better gg to study for my math test tml! not fair not fair its all my sec sch fault don allow us take a math see now i have to struggle.


exams startin 20th sept ending 28th.
holi OCTOBER!!
wake me up when september ends
cant wait for the holi
cant wait for the exams to be over!
till next time.


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