Saturday, January 22, 2005


wad a dae
went to work at 7am n finish at 5.30 . . .todae was like hell . . . oh should i sae eorse thn tt . . todae freakin pissed off . . . i cursed like no one biz . . . nv did i felt tis way . . . todae started work . . was assign a tirin and slow torturin job . . had to carry big heavy boxes like 7 kg? early in sde mornin at 8.30 . . have to bend down everytime a carry one . . . this start mi to get me piss . . havin to carry early in de mornin w/o my breakfast futhermore heavy weighs . . . weather simply sucks . . swearin like an idiot . . . ahvin to tape sth below yr waist level sucks n to carry them n aranagin them . . . haiz . . work frm 8.30 to 12 . . . it was like spendin 999 daes in hell . . .
after lunch . . .
i realli on fire le . . dis stupid frakin gal came to our line . . to wad? do nth! shit her la! disgrace to de gals . . she realli stood dere doin nth wen de rest of us were like sloggin to death/! she call herself a human? TOTALLY USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! CANT EVEN USE AS A FERTILISER . . . DOIN NTH I ALREADI GT NTH TO SAE . . . O HATE IT WEN SHE STARTS ORDERIN PPL Ard . . . wth . . she tink she boss or wad . . . guess wad de boss was even dere to work . . wen de boss ask herr to do tink she sae yesyesyesyes but she produced nth except shit words comin out . . . still nv mind . . she just stand dere n i was doin my work den she ask mi to tape properly . . wth she blind o wad so many boxes to tape like 8 wen i'm de onli taper . . she bloody ass blind or wad . . . tink who is she bossin ppl ard . . at de whole work site she was de onli one free . . . jus a bloody worker orderin ppl ard . . shut ya ass will ya . . wit my painful back i still have to listen to all her assful complains . . haiz . . . den back get even painful den she started to complain more . . . y wouldnt she help? even if she helps shes just blockin de way . ..
i don wish to continue le. . . realii piss . . . wad is she??
nth useless piece of shit

back hurts . . tml on duty agn . . slpin le


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