Saturday, January 15, 2005


haha . . . last nite was ay msn den dan cam to me
haha he asked mi if todae i'm free
i told him yes den he asked mi to
help in his sch recruitment day . . .
funni joker la he ask mi go dere to show
Founders' Badge . . .
hey bro see i HCF k help ppl out de . . .
hmmm haha siling sec is located
in de middle of woodlands industrial park . . .
sleay lookin BUT they all have aircon classes!!!
sian wad happen to YT . . .
imagine havin to go in n out of de
industrial area daily?

reach slss at 8.30
den de cuckoo daniel told mi it starts at 9.30!!!
ah disrupt my slp . . . hahaha
den when de kids came down den gt cca perfomance
to speak of de truth its nth compare to our ccas(oops)
BUT de BGB one rocks man
1st time seein tis combi . ..

hahaha den when cam to de military band
everyone started to laugh . . .
de commander was throwin de stick
den it actually drop!
n the top broke off . . . oh man . .
den he was tryin to fix back . . .
but he threw agn . . . de top broke off completely . .
how inflexible of him . . .
muz u execute wad u prac excatly
even when situations rises??

haix so inflexile

btw made another discovery . . .
in slss BB takes in all de BB boys
den in de band all are malays . .
hmmm n most of the chinese r realli chi-na!!!
lol 1st time promotin BB in chinese
haha oh man a F9 student . . .

oh den this officer isiah lee
told mi of many it opportunites to earn big$
haha n i'm onli like 17?
hmmm inspired to learn n master
Photoshop CS n Java le

went to lunch had a healthy
yong tau ho lunch(accordin to daniel)

went home aft tt . . .
was tired so had my beauty slp . . .
den off i go learnin photoshop . . .

anyway okieokie slackin but tirin dae . .
tml on duty so muz slp early lor . . .
haha if u notice practically everyweek i'm on duty!!
lol goodd way to serve God

haiz i'm still missin cambodia
guys i'm misin ya . .
n YEP peeps i miss our fellowship alreadi!!
hope to see ya soon


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