Sunday, October 09, 2005

blog time

hmmm. MUST BLOG REGULARLY or else kena scold by SOMEBODY. lol dunno who also. ytd. tiring dae. went to toa payoh swimming complex for recce. had a disscusion with the GM regarding the prices of the rental of plc. man de figures damn scary la. like 10 k +++++++++++++ siao! but can la got the funds. all thanks to LEE FOUNDATION's 50k. lol. hmmm after tt had a discussion again on the actual layout. at 1st we plan to swim onli the breath but the GM doesnt allow us the remove the line divider... so we decided tt we use de length. so each swimmer have to swim half the lap lor. 25m. so we have to plan how the swimmers gg to get down the pool. anws.

after tt had a gathering with some of my YEP frens. we went to alberts plc for dinner. we had sushi at his plc. followed by a bible study. haha den i discovered tt we're all from v diff churchs. as in churchs with diff culture. but all worshipping God de la. had a pretty long discussion, like 3 hrs +. den we talked abt the impt of having a DG or CG. basically a gathering. tts accounbility.

service. service as usual. jus tt todae abit wierd as we had onli 4 rows on each side. maybe onli 40 came?? those nv come de had alot of excuses. like exam? come on la which is more impt? God or studies? i mean God made you on this earth to do wad? study onli or to worship him in ya life? priorty lor. its all up to you. you place God the ranking in ya life. 1st or 2nd above other stuffs? i know of ppl who accepted Christ during a trip. but then backslide so badly tt u dont even see him lor. de dae b4 can like do sth so engross till early in the morning. true la tt ppl of our age should have fun. but not excessive fun la. its all up to ya priorty la.
after tt waited till 2 for choir. oh ya todae didnt have dg. the bb boys for the past few weeks havent been attending service. dont realli understand their convictions. anws! choir till 3. den went ljs with chris. their food is getting worse. de fish sucks. so smelly. after tt abt to leave den saw verena. den she wanted to study so acc her lor. for 3.5hrs i did nth. haha read de bible at bk lor. lol. anw poly system pretty screwed la. as in their academic year. ppl holi we exam. ppl exam we holi. ppl year end holi 8 weeks. our 1 week. fun right??? lol

anws! i dl-ed more movie. n still lokking for more to dl. pls pls intro nice movie to me.

anger management
50 first dates
bruce almighty
kingdom of heaven
ladder 49
national treasure
the longest yard - showing
the wedding crashers
white chicks
Starsky and hutch
super size me
the whole ten yard
van helsing
the dukes of hazzard - coming soon in the theatres near you or showing?
king author
bad santa - coming soon in the theatres near you
batman begins
christama with the kranks - coming soon in the theatres near you
deuce bigalow european gigolo - coming soon in the theatres near you
mean girls
millon dollar baby
shall we dance
13 going 30
the terminal

onli watch THESE FEW
so must faster find more to dl. so u guys must intro nice movie to me. total i think dl-ed 15 GB le. hahaha.

lastly this week might be gg BBHQ to work. sort oyut forms for swimathon. and make call n answer calls.


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