Sunday, February 06, 2005


met up wit alex at SP at 12.30 ... wan mi go cos door gg den he wanna follow her so wen she go walkwalk wit fren i can acc him! bro rite? after tt alex pangseh mi go queensway buy shoes wit door ... he wanted to go church(CHC) i didnt cos i nt feelin well ... den at SP saw brain n lydia .. den jack n family .. den ytss ppl ... den paul(pri sch fren) ... n papaya n gang ... aft ttshe ask mi go (or force) chc ... not feelin well yet i still went .. den met up alex n door there ... alex tot of runnin .. in de end stayed ... aft serv celerate feb babies bdae .. den de cell group members all joker wit mi lol .. aft tt feelin sick wen hm ... actually alot of ting haooen but veri tired n sick to type ...




sore tthhroat

feeling sucky

tml on duty!!


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